The gospels of Matthew and Luke both give accounts of Jesus being tempted by the devil in the wilderness. Of the three temptations recorded, there was one where Satan wanted it SO bad, he was actually offering to give Jesus all the kingdoms of the world, and their power and glory. —IF ONLY JESUS WOULD WORSHIP HIM.
Right there, Satan exposed his deepest desire… to be worshipped. Satan was created as Lucifer, the “light bearer”, son of the morning, the anointed cherub that covereth. He was created to give glory to God… to WORSHIP God. Ezekiel 28 says God had made him full of wisdom, perfect in beauty, and arrayed him in bright sparkling jewels and gold. He was amazing… awesome… magnificent. But all his beauty was designed to bring glory to the One who made him… his creator, who alone is worthy to be worshipped.
But then verse 17 says of Lucifer, “Thou wast lifted up because of thy beauty, thou hast corrupted thy wisdom by reason of thy brightness.” He said, “I will ascend… I will exalt my throne above the stars of God.” But he lost it ALL. He wanted worship, but he will get everlasting scorn, ridicule, and contempt.
In Revelation 19 & 22, it says John fell down to worship an angel whom God had sent to give him great revelations, and the angel told him, “Don’t do it. I am your fellow servant… worship God.” That’s the way we should all be. Use everything God has given us. Shine with all the glory He has placed on us. Be an amazing model of the handiwork of God. Walk in all the power and authority He’s granted us. But always with a humble heart that says, “I am your fellow servant. Worship God.”
As much as Satan desires to be worshipped, we need to be on guard. He may offer something of great earthly value; or he may just try to plant his desires in a person to want to be lifted up, exalted, and worshipped. We can’t take it lightly… NONE of us. It happened even to one SO close to God… one full of wisdom, and perfect in his ways. It seems almost impossible to comprehend… but very, very sobering.
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