Simplicity Of The

Plain. Simple. Heart to Heart.

There’s More Where That Came From.

When Jesus gave His 12 disciples power, and sent them out to preach, and heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise the dead, and cast out devils… He told them, “Freely ye have received, freely give.” [Matthew 10:7-8]

The more we see and understand how FREELY we have received, the easier it is for us to freely give. Whether we’re talking about power, or anointing, or revelation, or even money… if we think we got it from hard work and sacrifice, or our own talents and abilities… we’ll be reluctant to give it away freely, because we’re thinking about how much it cost us, and how long it will take us to gain it back. We could be thinking of the years of diligent, faithful laboring, that we think got us where we’re at. We might even think, “Hey, I’m finally reaping the good fruit of all my labors. Why would I just give it away to someone who hasn’t paid the price?”

But if we know that everything we have was freely given to us from God, and that there’s MORE where that came from, we’ll want to just give out to refresh our supply! If we knew that every time we give out a loaf of bread, God will give us 2 fresh ones, right out of His oven… just how freely would we be giving out bread?!

The problem is that, too often, people seem to get the idea that there is a limited supply of God’s treasures. Like if God’s blesses your brother with a million dollars, now God has a million dollars LESS to give to you. Or if the anointing of God is flowing too powerfully from somebody else, it might drain the Holy Ghost. Or if God saves a thousand souls in somebody else’s ministry, that’s a thousand fewer souls to get saved in your ministry. (OK, so the number of souls on the earth is not unlimited, but 7.3 billion still leaves plenty for you to work on.)

There would be a lot less jealousy and competition, religious or otherwise, if we would see the blessings of God in other people’s lives and ministries, as an indicator of the great limitless treasures of God that are freely available to us. It won’t bother us in the slightest, when little brother takes an oversize piece of apple pie, if we know there are fresh apple pies coming out of the oven faster than we could eat them!

Yes, there’s MORE where that came from, and it’s free! Now FREELY GIVE!

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