Simplicity Of The

Plain. Simple. Heart to Heart.

Songs of Degrees

There is a batch of 15 Psalms (120-134) titled “Songs of Degrees”. I really don’t know why they’re called that, but the Lord used those titles to teach me something.

There are many things that we, as Christians, are called to do, that are subject to “degrees”, or steps. We can be fervent, or MORE fervent. Diligent, or MORE diligent. Humble, or MORE humble. We can hunger and thirst after righteousness, or REALLY hunger and thirst after righteousness. We can ask, seek, and knock; or REALLY ask, seek, and knock. We can be hot for God, or REALLY SUPER HOT-HOT-HOT for God. And, on and on…

So why would we ever be content to be hot for God, when we could be HOTTER! Is it OK to be surrendered to God, when you could surrender MORE? Do we really believe God is a rewarder of them that diligently seek Him? If we want more rewards, then our response is obvious. Or are we content with what we have already received?

Some would read this and get frustrated and discouraged. They might be saying, “I don’t have it all, so I must not be doing enough. Even if I did more, it still would never be enough. God is just never satisfied.”

This is not about being good enough, or doing enough to please God. There are some things that are NOT subject to degrees. You are either born, or you’re not. You are either God’s son or daughter, or you’re not. Your name is either in the Lamb’s Book of Life, or it’s not. No degrees… no shades, no “kind of”.

It’s not until you know these things that are absolute, that you can understand the push and the press for MORE. If you don’t know where you stand with God… whether you are His child… whether your name is written in that Book of Life… whether you’re counted righteous in His eyes… all this talk of pushing, pressing, seeking can seem like a never ending, never enough, exercise in frustration and futility.

I love God, because I know He first loved me. I am taking His yoke on me, because He set me FREE! I am giving myself as a living sacrifice, because Jesus freely gave Himself as a sacrifice for me. He has given me HIS righteousness, and I LOVE it, so I am seeking MORE of His righteousness! I am pressing into His presence, to know Him more, because I know Him.

Because He has SO satisfied my soul, I am not satisfied. I want MORE. Sounds kind of weird, but it is SO GOOD!

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