Something in last night’s Bible study that especially blessed me, was the account in John 8, where the scribes and Pharisees brought to Jesus, a woman who had been caught in adultery. Here is a great example of the contrast of Satan’s accusations and condemnation vs. God’s way of dealing with sin.
God is light. Light reveals. Satan and his servants are in darkness. Darkness reveals nothing. All Satan can do is speak accusations and condemnation, out of darkness and blindness.
God, however, is pure light. Light reveals. Light makes manifest. (See Ephesians 5:13) God does not have to accuse anybody of anything. He just shines His light on them, and REVEALS their condition, their need, even their sin.
Satan, and those that follow him, add condemnation to their accusations, pronouncing doom and despair and judgment, with no hope for forgiveness or redemption. He piles on the agony of guilt and regret, and deprives that person of any hope. He says, “It’s too late. You’ve gone too far. God has cast you off.” And will even quote scripture in doing so.
Yes, with God, there will be a time when it’s too late for repentance. But all who will come to Him now, He “will in no wise cast out”. (See John 6:37) There is hope. There is forgiveness. There is restoration.
Notice, that in this account of the adulteress and the religious leaders, that their words are called “accusations”, and “condemnation”. Even their whole purpose of bringing her, was to accuse Jesus.
Jesus neither accused, nor condemned… not the woman… and also, not her accusers. It says they were convicted by their own conscience, and went away. Why? They were standing in the presence of the Light. The light was revealing the darkest corners of their hearts. Jesus didn’t have to accuse them. The light exposed them. He didn’t even condemn them. They condemned themselves by turning away from the light. (See John 3:17-21)
Meanwhile, the woman’s sins are also exposed by the light. But she doesn’t run from the light. She loves the light. God’s light gives her hope, not condemnation. She is forgiven, and given a path forward.
Now what does God put in the very next verse? (John 8:12 KJV) “ Then spake Jesus again unto them, saying, I AM THE LIGHT OF THE WORLD: he that followeth me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life.”
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