God does not want His people to be “driven” by visible results, good or bad. He wants to know that they are focused only on Him, and will obey His voice no matter what the outcome. They don’t rise and fall with the results. They don’t turn to the left or the right, based on results. He is looking for humble servants and soldiers who will simply OBEY His voice, and leave the results totally up to Him. Whether they see great results, no results, or even negative results… they just keep on OBEYING.
Visible results are not a sure indicator of whether or not someone is doing the will of God. Actually, sometimes there can be all kinds of apparent results, but God not be in it at all. A results-oriented person would continue on that path, anyway.
Other times, you might not see any results, because the results take time. Maybe you’re just the sower, and another will water, and another will reap. A results-oriented person would insist on seeing a harvest, before putting out the time and labor to plant more seed. An obedience-oriented person will keep faithfully sowing.
And sometimes, there might be no results, because God has sent you on a mission to speak His Word, though He knows you will not be received. Think of Jeremiah. A results-oriented person would be frustrated and discouraged, and maybe give up.
Sometimes the results are negative, especially initially, even when obeying the Lord. Remember how Moses obediently went before Pharoah, and said, “God says, Let My people go.” But instead Pharoah makes their yoke heavier. A results-oriented person would have concluded that they must have missed it… time to back off.
Certainly, there are also times when the results are a catastrophe, because the Lord is NOT in it. Like how the children of Israel were defeated at Kadesh-Barnea, after they had rebelled against God, but decide to go up to battle anyway. A results-oriented people might have said, “We just have to try again, only harder and smarter this time, until we achieve the results we desire.”
You just can’t evaluate your success by the results you see. It all comes back to every individual knowing the voice of the Lord, and obeying. When He says, “Well done, thou good and faithful servant,” THAT is success!

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