Simplicity Of The

Plain. Simple. Heart to Heart.

Recruiting Soldiers By The Beatitudes

IF THE BEATITUDES were a military recruiting poster, how many would call the recruiter to sign up?

Well, the Marine recruiter knows people are primarily interested in the benefits, so that’s what he’ll talk up. Pride, respect, great pay, free college education, health care, retirement pay, discounts on all kinds of stuff, travel, adventure, and more. I don’t think he’d say much about getting shot at, the risk of being killed or captured by some merciless lunatics, being subjected to all kinds of miserably harsh conditions, not being free to leave when you feel you really need a break… all that “other” stuff.

That would be like reading the beatitudes and seeing nothing but blessed… blessed… blessed… blessed. In Matthew 5:1-12, Jesus gives us both sides. In the rest of that “sermon on the mount” (Chapters 5,6,7), He gets into more specific detail on the terms and conditions of your enlistment. Read it all. Know what you’re committing to.

First, just look at the pay & benefits:
The kingdom of heaven.
Be comforted.
Inherit the earth.
Be filled.
Obtain mercy.
See God.
Be called the children of God.
Great reward in heaven.

But He also describes the life of the “few good men” He is looking for:
Poor in spirit.
Hungry & thirsty (for righteousness).
Pure in heart.
Lied about.

The qualifications are high. The costs are steep. The sacrifices are real. But who in his right mind would pass up those benefits! I’m signed up for life! And I’ve put my name in for permanent active duty on the front lines! By the way, in this army, even the basic training is under hostile fire, so you need to learn real fast. Exciting things are ahead!

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