Perfectionism can be depressing… and destructive. I’m talking about the thinking that if you’re not perfect, you’re not pleasing to God. If that were true, then God’s not pleased with ANYBODY! Of course, if you think God is not pleased with you, then you won’t be pleased with yourself either. So to make yourself feel better, you’ll look for all the faults in everyone else, and console yourself that God’s not pleased with them either. Then you might go pointing out to everyone how displeasing to God they are, and actually think you are agreeing with God! You could even feel “called of God” to preach just how greatly displeased God is with everyone who’s not perfect.
Is it any wonder then how friendships, marriages, families, and churches, get torn apart by this kind of thinking?
Let me say very plainly here, that I believe in Bible perfection. It’s in the Word! Jesus is our model. You have to believe that He lived a perfect life as a MAN, in order for His death to be a substitute for MAN. We are to grow up to walk as He walked. That is NOT impossible when the SAME Spirit that raised Him from the dead, dwells in YOU!
It’s when the definition or the time frame get distorted, that perfection doctrines get destructive.
I’ve got a lot more to share on this, and it’s hard to stop, but I’m gonna cut it off right here for today. Trying to keep it “bite-size”. Exciting things ahead!
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