I want EVERYTHING God has for me! So I’ve just got to know how to receive it.
Here are some of the ways the Word says we can receive from the Lord:
1. Ask and Receive.
2. Seek and Find.
3. Accept a Free Gift.
4. Receive an Inheritance.
5. Work and Earn Wages.
6. Earn Rewards.
7. God’s Grace & Mercy
8. Buy or Trade.
9. Sow and Reap.
10. Press, Push, Strive.
11. Marry a King.
12. Command It in Faith.
13. Patiently Wait.
14. Be in the Right Place at the Right Time.
15. The Goodness of God, the Rain That Falls on the Just And the Unjust.
Some are related. Some overlap. And certainly, there are more, but what’s most important, is that we don’t get them mixed up. Individuals, or even whole churches, can get drained of their power, or derailed from their mission, and really messed up when they latch on to some, and leave out others, or over-emphasize one, or under-emphasize others.
If we really want ALL God has for us, we need to do every one of these, at the right time, in the appropriate situations. What works so well for one thing, can be a waste of time and effort, and total frustration in another. Mixing them up can lead to envy and jealousy toward others. It can lead to pride, or a dangerous self-righteousness, or mis-placed condemnation.
It could mean missing out on a blessing, or it could be so serious that someone gets discouraged, and gives up on serving the Lord. It could even be that someone would be eternally lost, because they misunderstood how to receive eternal life.
It is so, so, SO important that we rightly divide the Word of truth, and rightly INCLUDE all the Word of God. We need it ALL, to receive it all.
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