Simplicity Of The

Plain. Simple. Heart to Heart.

Good Questions

There are good questions, and there are questions that are not good at all. Good questions will spur you on, and challenge you to reach up higher, and dig down deeper. The right kind of questions will never hold you back.
Jesus’ disciples asked Him questions because they wanted to understand, and grow.
The Pharisees asked Jesus questions too… to tempt Him, trap Him, stop Him. In doing so, they trapped themselves in darkness.
Actually, it’s not the words. Two different people could ask the very same question, and one would be good, and the other totally wrong. It depends on the intent of the heart. As with so many things, the biggest difference is humility.

1 Corinthians 13:12 [KJV] says, “For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known.” If you understand that you only “know in part”, and that’s there’s a lot you don’t know, but WANT to know… you’ll ask questions. If you think you already know it all, you won’t ask. If you realize that there is a lot about God and His Word that you don’t understand yet, but you’re NOT searching, and NOT asking Him questions, well… I just can’t relate to that.

That search never ends. It’s like an astronomer, when he gets a bigger telescope. He sees more, but he also sees how much bigger the universe is than he had thought, and now he has more questions… not fewer. The same applies to spiritual things. Every new revelation of God brings wonderful new wisdom and knowledge, but we also see that God is greater than we had previously understood. Our questions change, but also multiply. Even so, knowing that there is so much we don’t know, should never hinder us from acting on what we DO know. Keep moving. And keep seeking.

I have had so many of my questions to the Lord answered with such surprising answers, that I have learned to take the limits off of God, and let Him say what He wants to say, and reveal what He wants to reveal. And because His answers are so exciting, I keep asking, and seeking, and knocking… and asking again. If that sounds like a little kid, that’s OK. That’s just how I feel… like one of God’s kids.

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