Simplicity Of The

Plain. Simple. Heart to Heart.

Forgiving Comes Naturally For A Child of God.

I know that when I say forgiving comes naturally, it sounds like something easy… no sweat, no problem, hardly any effort to it. A fantasy, you think? Well, if you have been born again… born of God… born with your Father God’s nature, shouldn’t it come “naturally”?

If you’re saying it’s hard… that it’s just not your nature to forgive; then you either need to be born again, or you need to stop listening to the lies of the devil telling you that you are still his, and still have his evil nature.

Just WHO IS YOUR FATHER?! Whoever your father is, that’s whose nature you have! Whatever your nature is, that will determine what comes EASY, and what comes HARD! Is it hard for a bird to fly? Is it hard for a fish to swim? Neither is it hard for who IS love to LOVE!

If some voice is telling you that it’s hard to love, or hard to forgive, then you need to stand up as a child of God, and declare, “NOT for ME! It just comes NATURALLY for ME! I am born of God! I have God’s nature! God is LOVE! My nature is LOVE!”

Children of God, this is so, SO critical! We’ve GOT to get this!!! This applies to EVERY aspect of life! We can NOT get so focused on trying to attain, and become… that we lose sight of who we ARE!! When we DO attain, and become, we will do so because of who we ARE! You want to be like Jesus… to come unto the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ?? It will NEVER happen unless, and until, you first are reborn with His nature… BORN a son of God! Then relentlessly knock down the lies that say you are anything else! Let the holy nature of God in you… Christ in you… rise up and rule every single part of you, and you will just “naturally” BE. LIKE. JESUS!

I have deliberately left out any scripture references here, but I strongly suggest you go read all of 1 John as soon as you can. I believe you will see things there that you haven’t noticed before… really good things!

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