In May 2013, I started posting on Facebook little insights that God has taught me, and that hopefully would be a blessing to others, too. That’s added up to around 150 posts, and they’re all public. That’s notable, because it was almost unthinkable for me, maybe 14-15 years ago, when I didn’t have enough confidence to speak up with personal, spiritual things… even in an informal gathering of friends.
I remember once, at a very special little get-together with friends and brethren whom I highly respected (and still do), that I hardly spoke 10 words all night. Circumstances in my life at that time were not going well, particularly with my job and finances, which then strained other relationships. That night I was in the company of men and women of God, surely much closer and more pleasing to God than I; and who were obviously prospering, and seemed to have an abundance of all that I lacked. Why should I think I had anything worth saying? I felt like I just needed to listen and learn from those who were succeeding where I was failing, and make sure I didn’t divert the conversation from the good things being shared! So I listened, and learned, and was very inspired. I went home feeling blessed and honored to have been there… but later felt really bad for having said nothing.
Today, I might still find it easier to listen than talk, but something has dramatically changed! I know now who I am, and where I stand with God! I am no longer dependent on favorable circumstances, or the praise of men, for my assurance of personal value, or for my confidence with God and man. I didn’t get this confidence from hearing some new doctrine. I didn’t get it from any man. I got it from falling on the Rock… Jesus Christ… and being broken. And instead of grinding me to powder, God lifted me up, and began pouring the Word of life into me! Now, I’ve GOT to let it out! If I am quiet now, it is NOT because I don’t have something really good to share, or feel unworthy to share it!
God is no respecter of persons. Everything God has done for me… and way more… He will do for ANYONE who will fall on that Rock and be broken!
Psalm 51:17 [KJV] “The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit: a broken and a contrite heart, O God, Thou wilt not despise.”
Psalm 34:18 [KJV] “The LORD is nigh unto them that are of a broken heart; and saveth such as be of a contrite spirit.”
So I encourage you— Go for it, brother! Go for it, sister! Give it all to Jesus. Fall on the Rock! Be broken. Then let Him put you back together… HIS way. God’s arms are open wide, and He’s got more for you than you ever dreamed!
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