I was just thinking on how we are being changed from glory to glory, like it says in 2 Corinthians 3:18. Thinking how our lives don’t have to be up and down, but rather increasingly better… from victory to greater victory… from mountaintop to higher mountaintop. Now that’s exciting, and it’s true… and really good!
But then the Lord just spoke to me to go read it in context. Now there’s a lot of good truth you can get from single isolated scriptures, but if you want the full meaning, you have to read it in context. This is one of those. So I went to 2 Corinthians 3, starting at verse 6, thru the end of the chapter. It’s comparing the law of Moses to the new testament… calling the law of Moses, the old testament, a ministration of death and condemnation… and the new testament a ministration of the sprit and righteousness.
The old did have glory… so much that Moses’ face shined with God’s glory… but it faded away. The new has so much greater glory, that it makes the old look like it had no glory at all. So, in that context, we are changing from the glory of a ministration of death and condemnation, to a far greater glory of the ministration of righteousness! We’re changing from a glory that fades away, to a glory that remains forever!
When we live under the old testament, there is a veil on our heart, a blinding of the mind. But when we turn to the new, the veil is taken away, and we can behold the glory of the Lord with open face. THEN, we are changed from glory to glory, into God’s image, by the Spirit of the Lord!
Then, a few verses later, (Chapter 4:3-6) it says that the god of this world (Satan) is the one who blinds the mind of them that believe not, keeping people under the old, to try to keep the glorious gospel of Christ from shining unto them. But verse 6 should be our testimony: “For God, who commanded the light to shine out of darkness, hath shined in our hearts, to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ.”
Yes, we can look right into the face of Jesus, and be changed into HIS image… from glory to glory!!!
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